Digital economy in the aftermath of the pandemic, building the 5G network, cybersecurity,
Digital Services Act and the reform of a system based in copyright levies – these are some of
the issues the digital and advanced technologies industry in the countries of the CEE region
wants to take on. The first meeting of the sector’s representatives from Central Eastern Europe
was hosted on the initiative of Digital Poland Association. The Polish minister of digital affairs
Marek Zagórski participated in the discussion.

Poland aspires to be the ambassador of the CEE digital affairs
– Digitisation plays a crucial role today. On the one hand, thanks to advanced technologies, we have managed to navigate through the lockdown with much less harm done, on the other, this very field might boost our economic growth so that we can leave the pandemic-induced crisis sooner – said the minister of digital affairs. Marek Zagorski, in his presentation during the online workshop, pointed the attention to the project of digital highways, which will allow to develop business based on data even further. – Data is currently the key piece for growth, and it is vital to make it more accessible. We would love to encourage companies from across the Three Seas Initiative to share their data. This will allow more business to grow – minister Zagorski stated. He added: – If we manage to build a network of connections between private ventures in our region, it will be well translated into development of the whole region.
Strengthening the digital activity of Central Eastern Europe
The meeting of the digital industry from the CEE was hosted online. It was initiated by the Polish digital industry represented by the Digital Poland Association. The project associates 12 organisations from 11 countries of Central and Easter Europe. – Amongst the industry organisations from the Three Seas Initiative, we would like to make our voice better heard in the European discussion on regulations directly affecting the digital and advanced technologies industry. Also, Poland can do the job of an ambassador for digital affairs in our region – explains, Michał Kanownik, president of Digital Poland Association – We also want to present our governments with the issues most important to us and critical for the future of our sector and the development of our national economies. Organisations plan on e.g. coming up with a joint statement on the Digital Services Act and drawing up the key challenges ahead of the digital economy in the aftermath of the pandemic. Agenda for the upcoming months also includes subjects such as: development of artificial intelligence and discussing its role in building the economy of the Three Seas Initiative countries, improving the digital competence as a key piece of social education, cybersecurity and the related 5G network as well as the reform of a system based in copyright payments.
Meeting of the digital Three Seas Initiative in Warsaw scheduled for September
Next meeting of the organisations from the Three Seas digital and advanced technologies industry will take place on September 25th in Warsaw. During the CEE Digital Summit, Warsaw Digital Declaration will be signed – the document will cover the most important tasks in front of the digital economy of the countries associated in the Three Seas Initiative, particularly in the face of the pandemic.