Representatives of trade associations and unions acting for the largest enterprises from the digital and modern technologies industries in the countries of Visegrad Group: Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary will join their efforts to create policy supporting growth of advanced technologies and further digitisation, including in the area of GovTech. A letter of intent in that regard was signed during Congress 590 in Rzeszów in the presence of Minister of finance, investment and development Jerzy Kwieciński.

Digital industry of the V4 group countries joins forces. Beginning of Digital V4
The letter was signed by: president of Digital Poland Association Michał Kanownik, chief of Czech Consumer Electronics Association Michał Mazal and the president of IVSZ – Hungarian ICT Association Gabor Matrai. Slovak organisation ITAS has also joined the project.
– We are glad to see a partnership rising above country borders and above the line between public and private sectors. It makes it even more important for us to see GovTech as a part of it – says Justyna Orłowska, Director of GovTech Polska. – Agreement in the industry of Visegrad Group might unleash a whole new potential, which will allow companies of the region to compete on the markets all around the Europe – minister Jerzy Kwieciński adds.
Signatories of the letter state that development of innovative administration and economy should be a priority for the governments of V4 countries in order to strengthen their leading position in Central and Eastern Europe. Only a modern, digitally and technologically developed economies stand a chance to compete against European and global giants such as USA and Asian markets. „Therefore it is in our common best interest to support all initiatives, including propositions of legal regulations, encouraging growth of digital and modern technologies industries in the countries of Visegrad Group” — as written in the letter.
In opinion of the president of Digital Poland, a mutual interest of V4 countries includes developing R&D centers in this region of Europe, because they are the source of innovative ideas, which can be commercialised next. — From such point of view start-ups require particular support, because they often are the spring of innovative creativity. We can not allow to lose the potential they provide — believes Michał Kanownik.